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Villa Bardini
Costa San Giorgio 2, Firenze
From 24 March to 14 July 2024
The timeless photographic works of Neapolitan photographer Mimmo Jodice are on display for the first time in Florence, at Villa Bardini. From 24 March to 14 July, Mimmo Jodice. Senza tempo, curated by Roberto Koch, promoted by Fondazione CR Firenze and Intesa Sanpaolo, in collaboration with Fondazione Parchi Monumentali Bardini e Peyron, the second leg - after Lisetta Carmi - of Gallerie d'Italia's “La grande fotografia italiana” project which pays tribute to Italy's great 20th-century photographers.
The exhibition, inaugurated at the Gallerie d'Italia in Turin, is enriched in Florence by a new section devoted to images of Michelangelo Buonarroti's Florentine works, released from the great photographer's archives after thirty years. It is accompanied by a documentary on the artist's life, made by director and author Mario Martone, his friend and fellow citizen.
Mimmo Jodice's artistic production is unique on the international scene and has the ability to bypass every temporal contingency, abandoning the logic of the rapid consumption of images. A lengthy period of time made up of profound meditation and of understanding and contemplation of the situation depicted. The artist establishes a powerful connection with the images, which are often the result of experimental processing in the darkroom. Works that are the expression of processes and techniques that propose an unrepeatable artistic code, the result of experiences, journeys and visions.
The exhibition consists of 80 works, created between 1964 and 2011, retracing the most important themes of Mimmo Jodice's artistic work, divided into the sections Anamnesis, Languages, Views of Naples, City, Nature, Seas.
Villa Bardini also hosts an original section of the exhibition dedicated to Michelangelo, also on display for the first time in Florence. There are ten vintage works linked by the artist's extensive research into sculpture and particularly faces, which Mimmo Jodice exceptionally takes out of context and captures in a unique dimension.
All exhibition ticket holders will receive a discount for admission to the Gallerie d'Italia in Milan, Naples, Turin and Vicenza and vice versa.