
Learning in Naples

The Gallerie d’Italia museum in Naples offers a full schedule of free educational activities for classes at any level. The three classrooms on the first floor guarantee a wide array of educational activities which, ranging from more sensory-based storytelling for little ones to a more material, historical and literary approach for older children, enable learners to experience the collections and temporary exhibitions in a dynamic and participatory way.

Learning at the museum: education for schools

The educational activities offered are designed to meet the needs of schools and associations by presenting the museum as a welcoming, inclusive space. In the same vein, the educational services have developed a number of projects for disabled and socially disadvantaged students over the years.

Activities are available in the form of educational workshops and thematic itineraries. Tutorials and supporting materials are also available to teachers, enabling participating classes to complete any work started at the museum independently.

Entry to the museum and participation in the activities is free of charge, though advance booking is required. Please call freephone number 800.167.619, or send an email to napoli@gallerieditalia.com to book.

Educational activities and services by Civita Mostre e Musei.


Explore with Hector in Naples

Let Hector, the guard of the Gallerie d'Italia museums, take you on a journey of discovery through the art collection in Naples, with riddles, drawings and lots of creative activities:

  • download the file for the first stage:
A room with a view for Gaspar Una camera con vista per Gaspar A room with a view for Gaspar
  • download the file for the fourth stage:
The Neapolitan sculptor Lo scugnizzo scultore The Neapolitan sculptor
  • download the file for the seventh stage:
A troubled genius Un genio litigarello A troubled genius

Discover the other stages of Hector’s journey in Milan and Vicenza:

  • download the file for the second stage:
A high-speed getaway Una fuga ad alta velocità A high-speed getaway
  • download the file for the third stage:
Soaring through the clouds Un giro sulle nuvole Soaring through the clouds
  • download the file for the fifth stage: 
A special party Una festa speciale A special party
  • download the file for the sixth stage:
A pot of goodies Una pentola golosa A pot of goodies
  • download the file for the eighth stage:
Romanticism and its emotions Romantiche emozioni Romanticism and its emotions
  • download the file for the ninth stage:
The perfect capriccio Un capriccio a regola d’arte The perfect capriccio