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#INSIDE - Turin from the 4th of October


Gallerie d'Italia - Torino


From 4 October 2023 to 24 January 2024


Programme of meetings - 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday 4 October 2023 - #INSIDE: “LUCA LOCATELLI SOLUTIONS FOR A POSSIBLE FUTURE” interview with Luca Sofri - the event will also be visible in streaming

Wednesday 11 October 2023 - #INSIDE: “FROM LINEAR TO CIRCULAR, THE TRANSITION OF THOUGHT” with Andrea Moccia - the event will also be visible in streaming

Wednesday 18 October 2023 - #INSIDE: "FASHION AND ARTE, ENABLERS OF THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY" with Massimiano Tellini, Nicolas Lozito and Silvia Gambi - Head Of Circular Economy, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center - the event will also be visible in streaming

Wednesday 25 October 2023 - #INSIDE: "SENSEABLE CITIES” with Carlo Ratti – 7:30 p.m. - the event will also be visible in streaming

Friday 3 November 2023 - #INSIDE: "MIMMO JODICE. PHOTOGRAPHING TIME” with Andrea Viliani - at Artissima - 6 p.m.

Wednesday 8 November 2023 - #INSIDE: "MIMMO JODICE – A CRITICAL PROFILE BY ROBERTA VALTORTA” with Roberta Valtorta and Roberto Koch

Wednesday 15 November 2023 - #INSIDE: “MIMMO JODICE – A LIFE FIRMLY ON THE CLOUDS” with Isabella Pedicini and Roberto Koch

Wednesday 29 November 2023 - #INSIDE: "MIMMO JODICE – THE DOCUFILM BY MARIO MARTONE” with Mario Martone and Roberto Koch - at the TFF

Wednesday 17 January 2024 - #INSIDE: DEBATE WITH KEY REPRESENTATIVES OF COMPANIES chaired by PAOLO PIAGNERI - Head of the Environment Gas&Power Territory and Technical Standardisation Division of Unione Industriali Torino

Wednesday 24 January 2024 - #INSIDE: “CIRCULAR ECONOMY: LOOK TO THE PAST TO PLAN THE FUTURE” with  Alessandro Beloli - 3:30 p.m - the event will also be visible in streaming


#INSIDE Luca Locatelli. The Circle

Wednesday 4 OCTOBER 2023
Luca Sofri 
interviews Luca Locatelli

Luca Locatelli, the photographer with his lens focused on the future of the planet who has been travelling the world for 15 years to narrate possible solutions to the climate crisis, talks to Luca Sofri. A reflection on the exhibition at Gallerie d'Italia - Turin, the first immersive exhibition on circularity, on the concept of the city of the future, which undertakes to adopt a more sustainable attitude, on vertical farms, which seek to meet the needs of an entire city, through to the study of new energy systems realised thanks to the current technological acceleration. A return also to industrial icons as inspiration for a possible future.

Event in collaboration with Il Post

Wednesday 11 OCTOBER 2023

with Andrea Moccia

In recent decades our perception of the humankind-planet relationship has been maturing, albeit very slowly. Slowly slowly, awareness of the concept of circularity is gaining ground in the social substratum. Until now, our minds had always been accustomed to functioning in a linear manner, following a pattern according to which you have a need, you use a tool (a resource) to satisfy it, and then you throw the tool away. We have realised that failure to reuse a resource is unsustainable. The circular economy, like the broader concept of circularity, is rooted in an ongoing transition in thinking: from linear to circular. It will probably take decades. In order to accelerate it, we need to focus more on education and culture.

Event in collaboration with Geopop

Wednesday 18 OCTOBER 2023

with Massimiano Tellini, Nicolas Lozito and Silvia Gambi - Head Of Circular Economy, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center

"The way we produce and consume clothing is highly unsustainable. In the European Union alone, we throw away approximately 5.8 million tonnes of textile products every year. That’s almost 11 kg per person. The relationship we’ve developed with fabrics is polluting our world. It uses excessive amounts of water and energy, damages nature and causes emissions of greenhouse gases all over the world. This is why we ask producers to take greater responsibility for the textile waste they create, promoting reuse and repair, in order to build a more sustainable relationship with the clothes we wear”.
These are the words of Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President of the European Green Deal, and they convey a strong message that highlights the centrality of the new economic paradigm to achieve the goals related to ESG performance, climate change, decarbonisation and other global challenges; a paradigm that simultaneously offers new and better growth opportunities driven by the intrinsic principles of the circular economy ("CE"), such as re-design, innovation and diversification of business models.
Today, players in the Fashion&Luxury Industry are aware that the potential drivers of the benefits of the CE, in addition to advantages related to environmental issues, also include advantages in terms of strategic competitiveness in favour of an economy resilient to future global disruptions, guaranteed precisely by the uncoupling of economic growth from the exploitation of virgin resources. Based on these assumptions, what could be the next key steps to unlock the potential of CE transition in the fashion industry?

Event in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center

Wednesday 25 OCTOBER 2023
with Carlo Ratti – 7 p.m.

The ways in which we live, work and interact today are very different to those of just a few decades ago, largely due to the effects of an interconnected network that now embraces the majority of the planet's population. In a similar way, today we are at the beginning of a new technological revolution. The internet is entering physical space that is traditionally the domain of architecture and the world of design and is transforming into the so-called "internet of things". This internet of things is opening the door to a variety of applications which, in a way similar to what happened with the first wave of the web, can touch on different areas, from energy to mobility, from production processes to the dynamics of civic participation. Professor Ratti approaches these topics from a critical perspective through a discussion of the projects of the Senseable City Laboratory, a research initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Wednesday 17 JANUARY 2024
Chaired by PAOLO PIAGNERI - Head of the Environment Gas&Power Territory and Technical Standardisation Division of Unione Industriali Torino

Italy is now one of the leading countries in Europe in terms of recovery, recycling and reuse of materials such as paper, wood, plastic, glass and metal. Testimonials of stakeholders who make a daily contribution to conveying tangibility to the idea of circular economy, which is all too often made trivial by false beliefs or accused of green washing.

Event in collaboration with Unione Industriali Torino

Wednesday 24 January 2024
with  Alessandro Beloli - 3:30 p.m

At the end of the day, the circular economy is nothing new. Just think of the mothers and grandmothers of a few generations ago, who reused everything and threw nothing away. Not to mention the first human beings who were also committed to wasting nothing. Thinking about and applying the circular economy today and in the near future means recovering this kind of mentality, while taking advantage of all the tools and technologies that are increasingly available to us.

Event in collaboration with Geopop

#INSIDE Mimmo Jodice. Timeless

Friday 3 NOVEMBER 2023
with Andrea Viliani - at Artissima - 6 p.m.

Mimmo Jodice (Naples - 1934) observes the world, lingering on the threshold of a time in which the past, the present and the future are intertwined, a time placed beyond its own flow, suspended in the physical and metaphysical, empirical and contemplative dimension of waiting. A wait that is the matrix of a rigorously analogue and manual practice of photography: a patient search for lighting, often in the morning, capable of revealing the essence of the subject represented, or the equally patient balancing of blacks and whites in the darkroom. Jodice achieves the clarity of black-and-white images captured by a camera that becomes a time machine (or, rather, a machine that overcomes time) in the enchanted exploration of the world from the underbelly of Naples to the shores of the Mediterranean with their vestiges of ancient civilisations that have now disappeared, all the way to the phantasmagorical confines of globalised megalopolises. Each of these shots celebrates the human being, captured in all its relative expressions and transfigured into a photographic reality that, regardless of time or context, emancipates photography from a merely documentary interpretation to make it express its full representative and cognitive potential.

Wednesday 8 NOVEMBER 2023
with Roberta Valtorta and Roberto Koch

Roberta Valtorta, photography historian and critic, analyses Mimmo Jodice's vast artistic output, articulated over time in numerous themes, from the human figure and face to the landscape, from archaeology to everyday objects, from the great cities of the contemporary world to the sea. Jodice has oriented the image towards pretence, extracting from the visible world figures which, over the years, have enabled him to traverse the complex processes of representation and imagination, constantly questioning the meaning of reality. The artist has spent his entire life deeply attached to the ancient Mediterranean civilisation, a civilisation to which he belongs. Mimmo Jodice was not only born in Naples but has chosen never to leave his city.

Wednesday 15 November 2023
with Isabella Pedicini and Roberto Koch

Mimmo Jodice's life is the stuff of novels: an unhappy childhood in the Sanità district of Naples, the wounds of war, his indissoluble love for Angela, his family, his numerous and ever-present friends, his travels around the world and fateful encounters, the great exhibitions and the awards, the thrills and the disappointments, the joys and sorrows of existence.
A life like a novel in which, however, the events are held together by a single solid thread that, for Jodice, is an inescapable dæmon, destiny and vocation: photography.
More powerful than all the contingencies of existence, tougher than any attack of fate, the attraction for the camera is powerfully revealed thanks to an unexpected gift received at a young age: an enlarger. This fateful gift marked the beginning of his long and esteemed career, the origin of endless days spent in the darkroom shaping images with light, and the firm and tenacious desire to give photography the status of an artistic language.
Isabella Pedicini reconstructs the dense and passionate story entrusted to her by Mimmo Jodice and compiled in the biography “Saldamente sulle nuvole” (Firmly on the clouds), published by contrasto in 2023. A journey through time in which Jodice's biographical and artistic story intersects with Italian and international cultural history. A self-portrait in words of the great master of photography.

Wednesday 29 November 2023
with Mario Martone and Roberto Koch - at the TFF

The exhibition dedicated to Mimmo Jodice entitled  “Mimmo Jodice - Senza tempo” (Mimmo Jodice - Timeless) will also include the involvement of renowned director and author Mario Martone, who made and directed a docufilm on the life of his friend and fellow Neapolitan. As part of #INSIDE, Mario Martone, together with Roberto Koch, will be talking about his work which will be presented hors concours at the 41st Turin Film Festival. Entitled “UN RITRATTO IN MOVIMENTO. OMAGGIO A MIMMO JODICE", it tells the story of his early photographs, his experiments in the 1960s and 1970s, his political and social work and his passion for architecture and classical antiquities, right through to his passion for observing nature, the sea, waiting for the light to reveal visions that go beyond reality.

Event in collaboration with the Torino Film Festival