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Gallerie d'Italia - Torino
From 20 February to 7 September, 2025
Full price € 10, reduced € 8, special reduction € 5 for Intesa Sanpaolo Group customers and under 26; free for conventions, schools, under 18, employees of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, first Sunday of the month
Until April 15, purchasing the exhibition catalogue will entitle you to a free admission ticket. For holders of the Museum Subscription, a 5% discount is offered on the purchase of the catalogue.
From 20 February to 7 September Gallerie d'Italia - Torino presents an exhibition of the work of photographer Olivo Barbieri, curated by Corrado Benigni. The exhibition is a new chapter in “La Grande Fotografia Italiana” the project curated by Roberto Koch, launched in 2022 with the exhibition of Lisetta Carmi (Playing Loud), continuing in 2023 with Mimmo Jodice (Senza Tempo) and in 2024 with Antonio Biasiucci (Arca).
The exhibition is a tribute to the work of one of the most innovative and original photographers on the international scene, whose work, always poised between truth and the representation of truth, between the imaginary and the real world, is primarily a vehicle for reflecting on the very act of seeing.
The work, designed specifically for Gallerie d'Italia - Turin, presents, for the first time, an organic synthesis of the research dedicated to China by Olivo Barbieri over a period of more than thirty years, with many previously unpublished photographs.
Divided into three sections, it presents over 150 works, including large triptychs, polyptychs and two large groups of pictures.
It was 1989 when Olivo Barbieri made his first trip to China, which just happened to coincide during the events in Tiananmen Square. From this first exploration, his colour photographs were, in terms of rigour and precision, if not the first, among the first to be systematically produced as a body of work that went beyond the purposes of journalism, illustration or propaganda, far from any automatic colonial preconception. This marked the start of an observation with intense fascination and meticulous in-depth analysis, regularly taking him to the territory of the People's Republic of China, until 2019.
As these works show, he travelled extensively to decipher what was happening: the most unexpected architectural and urban change in the history of humanity in terms of magnitude, suddenness and the areas involved. Right from the start of his explorations, Olivo Barbieri sensed the extent of the social, economic and cultural transformation that would affect China. This brought him into contact with the emerging Chinese artistic and cinematographic avant-garde.
It was in China that Olivo Barbieri carried out his experiments, giving life to the technique of selective focus and subsequently to the project site specific_, which led him, in 2004, to use shots taken from a helicopter to make a film and a series of works offering a new perspective on the metropolis of Shanghai. These experiments earned him international recognition for his ability to transform reality into a model, a mock-up, a world in the making.
Far from being documentary in intent, the works on display reveal the perceptual shifts that characterise the photographer's work: long exposures, artificial lighting, vertical shots, saturated colours and the selective focus that transforms reality into an avatar of itself. This is how the artist highlights the unpredictable and mysterious change within China relating to identity, sustainability, migration, new technologies and artificial intelligence that involve the whole of humanity.
Olivo Barbieri (Carpi – Modena, 1954) studied Education and Drama, Art and Music Studies in Bologna, developing an interest in photography in 1971. One of his first series was Flippers (1977-1978), exhibited at the Galleria Civica in Modena. In 1984 he participated in Viaggio in Italia, a seminal exhibition of Italian photography.
In the 80s he began a series on artificial lighting in European and Oriental cities, publishing Notte (1991) and Illuminazioni artificiali (1995). From 1989 he travelled constantly in China, developing a research project – still in progress – on the themes of the great changes taking place and their representation, publishing works such as Appunti di viaggio in Cina (1989) and Paesaggi in miniatura (1991). In 1996, the Folkwang Museum in Essen dedicated him a first retrospective.
In the mid-90s he experimented with a photographic technique that allowed him to focus on just a few points in the picture, publishing Virtual Truths (2001). In 2003, he launched site specific_, a project studying the shape of fifty contemporary metropolises and towns, publishing site specific_03-13 with Aperture in 2013. He has created several photographic and film series (2003–2017), including Parks (2006-2015) Real Words (2008–2013), Images (1978–2007), Virtual Truths (1996–2002) and Artificial Illuminations (1980-2014), reflecting in the perception of reality. With Davide Quadrio, he created site specific_SHANGHAI 04, photographs and film.
In 2006, he participated in the Seville Biennial with the film SEVILLA –› (∞) 06. In 2010, he created Dolomites Project for the MART in Trento and Rovereto. In 2015, he exhibited ERSATZ LIGHT case study #1 east west at the Festival of European Photography in Reggio Emilia, and at the MAXXI in Rome, he exhibited Images 1998 – 2014 and the film La Città Perfetta in a retrospective.
Two films from the site specific_ series (site specific_LAS VEGAS 05 and SEVILLA –› (∞) 06) are part of the collection of the MoMA in New York. His works are on show in museums and collections in Europe, China and the United States.
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Until April 15, purchasing the exhibition catalogue will entitle you to a free admission ticket. For holders of the Abbonamento Musei, a 5% discount is offered on the purchase of the catalogue.