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Gallerie d'Italia - Napoli
From the 26th of October to the 7th December 2024
Free entry until seats are available
The music festival It is open to everyone returns on Saturday, October 26.
The initiative is organised in cooperation with the San Pietro a Majella Conservatory of Music in Naples, whose students and teachers will be performing.
The programme includes a wide range of repertoire, ranging from chamber music to jazz and electronic music.
The busy winter calendar includes 12 concerts of the Students "Music at lunchtime" (Wednesday and Saturday, 13.30) and 4 concerts of the Masters "Afternoons with the teachers" (Friday, 17.00) and is addressed to everyone. This program will accompany residents of the city and tourists until 7 December.
Initiatives in the context of SOUND, the project of Gallerie d'Italia for music.