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#INSIDE - Vicenza. “The fall of the Rebel Angels. Francesco Bertos”


Gallerie d'Italia - Vicenza


From 25 October 2024 to 31 January 2025




Angel and demon: Ecstasy and creative torment in art, literature, music, film and theatre

A cycle of collateral activities dedicated to the multidisciplinary exploration of themes related to the exhibition The fall of the Rebel Angels. Francesco Bertos


Events program


FRIDAY 25 OCTOBER, at 6 P.M. - "Fallen angels. Anselm Kiefer" with Arturo Galansino

FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER at 6 P.M. - "After redemption"  – with Michele Fedrigotti, Francesco Messina, Massimiano Bucchi

SUNDAY 10 NOVEMBER 2024, at 5 P.M. “Hidden polyphonies" with Ensemble Musagète

TUESDAY 19 NOVEMBER, at 6 P.M. - "Painters, sculptors and engravers at Giambattista Tiepolo's School of Artistic Nudes. The training of Venetian artists in the early 18th century" with Enrico Lucchese

FRIDAY 29 NOVEMBER, at 6 P.M. - "Paradise can wait. Angels in films, from Frank Capra to Wim Wenders" with Alberto Brodesco, Giuseppe

SUNDAY 8 DECEMBER 2024, at 5 P.M. - “The great Veneto school" - with Ensemble Musagète

FRIDAY 10 JANUARY, at 6 P.M. - “Chiselling, just like with a paint brush": relations between sculptors and painters in 18th century Veneto” – with Monica De Vincenti

FRIDAY 17 JANUARY, at 6 P.M. - “Devils (and angels) interacting in Dante’s Comedy" - with Paolo Pellegrini, Stefania Carlesso, Massimiano Bucchi

SUNDAY 26 JANUARY 2025, at 6 P.M. “The abyss and the yearning for light” - with Ensemble Musagète

FRIDAY 31 JANUARY, at 6 P.M. - The Fall of the Rebel Angels: success of the theme between Neoclassicism and Romanticism” – with Fernando Mazzocca

SATURDAY 23 NOVEMBER 2024, at 3 P.M. and 4.30 P.M. - “A pyramidal journey between heaven and hell” - with Fabio Zamparo

SATURDAY 18 JANUARY 2024, at 5 P.M. - "Investigation of the Fall" - with Andrea Dellai



Fallen angels. Anselm Kiefer - Talk

Arturo Galansino, art historian
General Manager of Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi


After redemption - TALK

From Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson by Georges I. Gurdjieff.
Music by Georges I. Gurdjieff and Thomas de Hartmann
Michele Fedrigotti, pianist and orchestra director
Francesco Messina, art director, producer, author
introduced by Massimiano Bucchi, University of Trento 
In collaboration with Observa Science in Society


Suggestions and connections between musical language and the express strength of the masterpiece Fall of the Rebel Angels - MUSICAL APPOINTMENT

A cycle of three concerts inspired by the artist and the historical-artistic context in which he worked, the same as that in which extraordinary musicians who were his contemporaries made a name for themselves internationally, propagating an innovative language. Musical inspiration for the interpretation of the work of Bertos in different cultural contexts: with composers who, like him, were from the Veneto region, such as Vivaldi, Galuppi and Dall'Abaco, and another, Tartini, who was adopted by Veneto; and with composers who were his contemporaries, such as Bach and Telemann, as well as the visionary and synaesthetic Messian.

Hidden polyphonies
The programme features music by G. Tartini, J.S. Bach, G.P. Telemann

Just as the trompe-l'oeil spread through Baroque figurative art, a sort of trompe-l'oreille developed in the musical language of the time: the violin, a "melodic" instrument by vocation, is engaged in polyphonic writing of extraordinary virtuosity that goes so far as to convey the sense of three and even four linear voices, moving simultaneously.

Tommaso Luison, solo violin
In collaboration with Ensemble Musagète


Painters, sculptors and engravers at Giambattista Tiepolo's School of Artistic Nudes. The training of Venetian artists in the early 18th century - TALK

Enrico Lucchese, "Luigi Vanvitelli” University of Campania


Paradise can wait. Angels in films, from Frank Capra to Wim Wenders - TALK

Alberto Brodesco, film expert, University of Trento
introduced by Giuseppe Pellegrini, University of Trento  
in collaboration with Observa Science in Society

Suggestions and connections between musical language and the express strength of the masterpiece Fall of the Rebel Angels - MUSICAL APPOINTMENT

The great Veneto school
The programme features music by A. Vivaldi, B. Galuppi, E. Dall’ Abaco 
The great 18th century Veneto school of music established itself as a model that would be hugely successful all over Europe. Antonio Vivaldi, born the same year as Francesco Bertos, found the highest expression of vocalism and virtuosity in the instrumental colour of his solo concertos.

Fabio Pupillo, flute
Massimiliano Tieppo, first violin
Tiziano Guarato, second violin
Michele Sguotti, viola
Simone Tieppo, cello

In collaboration with Ensemble Musagète


"Chiselling, just like with a paint brush": relations between sculptors and painters in 18th century Veneto - TALK

Monica De Vincenti, art historian and curator of the exhibition


Devils (and angels) interacting in Dante’s Comedy - TALK

Paolo Pellegrini, historian of Italian literature, author of Storie d’amore per lo studio (Einaudi)
Readings by Stefania Carlesso
Introduced by Massimiano Bucchi, University of Trento
In collaboration with Observa Science in Society

SUNDAY 26 JANUARY 2025, 5 P.M.
Suggestions and connections between musical language and the express strength of the masterpiece Fall of the Rebel Angels - MUSICAL APPOINTMENT

The abyss and the yearning for light
The programme features music by O. Messiaen
Quartet for the end of time for violin, cello, clarinet and piano

“And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was on his head, and his face was as the sun, and his feet as pillars” (Revelation).
The Angel announcing the end of Time: its mystery cannot be portrayed, cannot be seen. It is a mystery that calls for music.

Tommaso Luison, violin
Simone Tieppo, cello
Luigi Marasca, clarinet
Gabriele Dal Santo, piano

In collaboration with Ensemble Musagète


"The Fall of the Rebel Angels": success of the theme between Neoclassicism and Romanticism.

Fernando Mazzocca, art historian and curator of the exhibition



23 NOVEMBER 20243 P.M. AND 4:30 P.M.
A pyramidal journey between heaven and hell - TALK

A sensory itinerary of Visual Vernacular, a performance art form of the Deaf culture, which aims to revisit the theme of the exhibition in a contemporary key, offering a reflection on pride and rebellion, in an exchange between visual art, performance and exhibition space.

Pyramidal compositions, the symbols of the celestial hierarchy and the descent into hell, featured in the works of Bertos, take the viewer on a journey between order and chaos, between the rise and fall. The fusion between body, exhibition space and artwork creates an engaging performance for both deaf and hearing audiences, transforming the fall of the angels into a visual and bodily exchange between past and present, heaven and earth, good and evil.

Curated by Fabio Zamparo and Anna Chiara Carlet
Performer Fabio Zamparo (Deaf artist)
With the participation of the Ente Nazionale Sordi Veneto and Ente Nazionale Sordi provincial section of Vicenza

18 JANUARY 2024, 5 P.M.
Investigation of the Fall - THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE

Stumble, fall, landslide: verbs that imply a wrong move, a mistake, an error. But if you happen to fall, you also need to have the ability to get back up again. With the proposal of a theatrical workshop, a group of very young boys and girls interpret “The Fall of the Rebel Angels” by Francesco Bertos in their own words, throwing themselves into it wholeheartedly and using all their imagination, identifying a trace of this experience in what they know and in their personal history. 

Curated by Andrea Dellai, lecturer, actor and director