


Gallerie d'Italia - Vicenza


From 28 June to 27 October, 2024


Full price: €5.00; reduced price: €3.00. Free admission for pass holders, schools, under-18s, Intesa Sanpaolo Group customers and employees


Renewing the well-established collaboration with Illustri Associazione Culturale that has brought prestigious international names such as Pablo Lobato, Noma Bar, Malika Favre and Christoph Niemann to the Gallerie d'Italia - Vicenza as part of the biennial illustration festival “Illustri”, the Gallerie d'Italia - Vicenza wishes to confirm its identity as a place devoted to the finest contemporary illustration by hosting Javier Jaén's solo exhibition.

The 2024 edition of the Illustri Festival, the theme of which is “Drawing complexity”, chosen by its creative director, illustrator Francesco Poroli, will run from 28 June to 4 October and will include a packed calendar of exhibitions, meetings, talks and presentations, for a festival spread throughout the city that will be renewed from week to week, thanks to the collaboration of local cultural and commercial organisations.


Javier Jaén. Biography


Javier Jaén (Barcelona, 1983) studied Graphic and Fine Arts in Barcelona, New York and Budapest. His work focuses on editorial illustrations, book covers and cultural communications for the world's most famous publications and institutions, including The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Washington Post, Time, Harvard University, National Geographic, El País, Penguin Random House, Vueling Airlines and UNESCO. With a conceptual style and language that is sometimes playful and sometimes corrosive, Javier explores narrative scenarios and aesthetics filtered through everyday experience.

He has taught at the European Institute of Design, IDEP, and frequently gives seminars and lectures. His work has been acknowledged and rewarded by AGI Membership, the Society of Illustrators, American Illustration and many others.

The artist says of himself: I translate concepts and stories into pictures. I use graphic design, illustration and photography as key ingredients in my work, but I don't feel like a graphic designer, illustrator or photographer. They are just disciplines that help me dress up ideas.

I used to be afraid I wouldn't be accepted into any professional family, but today this makes me feel really free. Because what interests me is the concept of communication, beyond any possible language.