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Gallerie d'Italia - Turin
20 November 2024
6.30 pm - 7.30 pm #INSIDE talk
Booking recommended
from 7.30 pm Signing
Free entry without booking
wirh Antonio Biasiucci and Roberto Koch
The Antonio Biasiucci exhibition. Arca, curated by Roberto Koch, is the first ever presentation of Biasiucci's work, showcasing a significant number of his photographs put together specifically for the space in the Long Wing of the Gallerie d'Italia. Biasiucci's commitment and many years of work have been inspired by and dedicated to a great and mighty artistic utopia which has permeated his work in recent years: to tell the story of men, their aspirations and their lives through the absolute and image-rich language of photography. A utopia that fascinates as it brings the subject to life, displaying its power and illuminating the results. In this talk, Antonio will explain his method, his research, the terms and boundaries of the work he does with the allure of a utopia, fuelling his story with anecdotes and accounts that will explain it all even more clearly.
At the end of #INSIDE, from 7:30 p.m., the artist will be signing copies of the exhibition catalogue.