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"Linee di Energia" in Turin


Gallerie d'Italia - Torino
Conference in presence and online seminars


From the 7th to the 17th of November 2023


The “Linee di energia” programme, organised by Intesa Sanpaolo, La Venaria Reale Conservation and Restoration Centre and the IGIIC Association, Gruppo Italiano International Institute for Conservation, is focused on the theme of conservation of photography.

Following the appointments held in 2021 and 2022, with remote interventions by leading figures and experts in the field, the programme will continue with a mixed conference format, with three meetings presenting content specifically focused on the analysis of case studies about photography archives and collections, from the point of view of the preservation, study and dissemination of the materials conserved in them, completed by a round table, on the morning of Friday 17 November, at the Gallerie d'Italia in Turin. The entire programme is coordinated by Sara Abram, Walter Guadagnini and Francesco Tedeschi, also curators of the previous exchange opportunities on the subject.

This year's focus is on the relationship between time and photography, both in the sense of recording and documenting a temporal phenomenon, and with regard to the commitment to the preservation and the conveying of images to the future.

The first three moments will involve the participation of conservators and scholars who will present specific cases selected within the following topics: Preservation and use of photographic archives; Photography as a record of art; Photography as a work of art.


Conference in presence 
also available live streaming by connecting to this page on the day of the event
Friday 17 November at 10-13

Linee di Energia “L’oggetto fotografico nel tempo. Creazione, interpretazione, conservazione”

Michele Coppola
Executive Director Arte, Cultura e Beni Storici Intesa Sanpaolo

Alfonso Frugis
Presidente della Fondazione Centro Conservazione e Restauro "La Venaria Reale"

Luigi Fassi 
Direttore di Artissima

Giorgio Bonsanti
Già Presidente Commissione Interministeriale MIBACT-MIUR per l’insegnamento del Restauro

Paola Di Bello
artista fotografa e docente di Fotografia, Accademia di Brera, Milano

Raffaella Perna
docente di Storia dell’arte e studiosa di storia della fotografia, Università La Sapienza, Roma

Nicoletta Leonardi
docente di Storia dell’arte, Accademia di Brera, Milano e responsabile dell’archivio fotografico dell’Accademia Albertina di Torino

Claudia Baroncini
direttrice della Fondazione Alinari per la fotografia

Leonardo Magrelli


Sara Abram
Segretario Generale Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale

Walter Guadagnini 
Direttore CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia di Torino

Francesco Tedeschi 
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano