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With Paolo Angeli, Luciano Chessa & The Orchestra of Futurist Noise Intoners, James Dashow, Sebastiano de Gennaro and Ansrew Quinn, Ensemble Elettroacustico SMET, Esecutori di Metallo su Carta and DJ Balli, Jérôme Noetinger, Stanislas Pili, Nicholas Remondino and Tomoko Sauvage.
A Festival consisting of musicians, instruments and compositions that are anything but ordinary. Innovative listening and new ways of enjoying sound are the main ingredients of this edition.
This year, Intesa Sanpaolo together with Gallerie d'Italia is Main Partner of the Festival which will be taking place from 22 September to 30 September 2023 in Turin.
Created by SMET (Turin Conservatory's Electronic Music School) and Turin's Giuseppe Verdi State Conservatory of Music, the Festival is an opportunity to take a closer look at a scenario which is aimed at the younger generations and while being rooted in the history of contemporary music, a terrain that is perhaps still little explored both in the field of musical experimentation and in the performance and dissemination of contemporary electronic music.
Concerts, listening sessions, sound installations, educational workshops and talks will be the leading events of this edition.
The museum spaces of Gallerie d'Italia - Torino will be hosting some of the events scheduled during the Festival.