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Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion: this is the theme of the 2020 edition of ICOM’s International Museum Day. All museums are invited to share their ideas and projects for the promotion of inclusion, the overcoming of stereotypes, and the contrasting of marginalisation.
We have always focused on diversity and inclusion in our venues: in Milan, Naples, Turin and Vicenza we are constantly working to make our museums better places for everyone where physical and cultural barriers have been removed, and where everyone can feel at ease.
To celebrate this day we offer an immersive virtual experience as part of the exhibition Canova | Thorvaldsen. The birth of modern sculpture, created in association with Zeranta Edutainment.
The beauty of the masterpieces created by the founders of modern sculpture, now available to everyone accompanied by insights and information in Italian, English and Italian sign language (Lingua dei segni italiana - LIS). Enter the Gallerie d’Italia museum in Milan, wander around the museum’s rooms, get a close look at the artworks and admire this wonderful Olympus in marble form.