
Gallerie d'Italia

Heritage for all, rooted in the values of the Group

The desire to protect and share Italy’s value, identity and beauty inspired Intesa Sanpaolo to create the Gallerie d’Italia museums, sharing the thirty-five thousand works of art in the Group’s heritage with the wider community.

The initiative forms part of Progetto Cultura, a series of measures implemented by the Group to promote Italian art and culture.

The project

The Gallerie d’Italia museums in Milan, Naples, Turin and Vicenza display permanent and temporary collections, and organise a wide range of events and initiatives.

Image of Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Vicenza
Museum building interior


From 2011 to the present day, through its many projects, the Gallerie d’Italia have collaborated with internationally renowned institutions and established strong partnerships.


Information and contact details useful for learning more about or contacting the museums in Milan, Naples, Turin and Vicenza.

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