In 2025 Gallerie d’Italia Academy is organising the fifth edition of the executive "Management of artistic-cultural heritage and corporate collections" training course, under the Patronage of Ministero della Cultura, with the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and Fondazione Cariplo, in association with Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura and Digit’Ed, and with scientific assistance from the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali. The course will see the involvement of university professors and lecturers, professional people, cultural and corporate managers, museum directors and officers, cultural institutions, and eminent experts with recognised experience in the fields of study concerned.
The Advanced Training Course is designed to provide the sector’s professionals with the skills they require to promote and develop forms of cooperation between public and private entities, in order to encourage the fullfilment of innovative policies and effective practices for the protection, management and promotion of the artistic-cultural heritage. A multidisciplinary approach to training is adopted in an effort to develop knowledge, specific skills and managerial expertise, and training deals with the protection, management and promotion of privately-owned artistic-cultural heritage from an innovative, modern perspective. The course is designed for graduates with at least two years’ working experience.
The course, to be held in Italian, consists of five teaching modules, for a total of 144 hours of lessons and 18 hours in webinar mode provided with the support of Digit'Ed, to which are added in-depth learning objects. The teaching also includes the realization of a work project during the course and will be complemented by study visits of art places, cultural institutions, corporate assets and museums throughout Italy.
The lessons will take place in presence, in the premises of the Gallerie d'Italia of Milan and Turin, on Friday and Saturday from 9:30 to 18:30, for a total of nine weekends alternated with six webinars (Friday from 16:30 to 19:30), from 24 Jenuary to 25 May 2025.
The participants of the course will become part of the Alumni Community of Gallerie d'Italia Academy, created to offer continuous training and moments of dialogue and networking among cultural operators. The digital nominative card offered to all Alumni allows access to a series of exclusive benefits such as invitations to events, dedicated visits, reduced-rate admission to the main museums in Italy.
Enrolment to the course is open from 21 October via the form available on the Digit'ED website.
For information: phone 01119118660, from Monday to Friday (public holidays excluded) from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00, or write to Requests for information received via other channels will not be taken into consideration.